‎1/144 HG Gundam Throne Eins (TT Hongli)

Nov 27- At first thought, it seemed that i couldn't build it at this moment of time, but somehow i found a way to do so. It's complete, but not as the standard of seasoned builders. But hey, baby steps.

This was on Wednesday, looked like someone opened up the windows, sorry for that bad joke.

The waist portion. The toughest part to assemble,  and the legs were difficult.

Joined the two parts together...
Close up. The decals are just garbage. A proper marker is a better option, but to find the right colours for this dude is tough, proper paint would do i guess.

The GN Beam Rifle. The look is cheap, thanks to the decals again. That's what you get for knockoff's pal.

Add the GN Launcher, which is in monster size and your done!

\Another proof that the GN Launcher is quite cumbersome, it's a little hard to make the guy stand properly at times.
What more can i say, it's HUGE.

Some shots at the back.

Ass shot number 2.

It was rewarding, and now to get Zwei and Drei, and i shall state again it would be of TT Hongli make. I don't want the other two to call names at Eins like "Hey you anak haram" and all.


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