Run Rabbit Run!

Nov 16- The stories i read in the papers these days just sickens me. No it isn't the usual rape,killings,terrorists shit again. What is unacceptable is the local council's inhumane act of gunning down pets like trigger happy rednecks. What is seriously wrong with you assholes? In which way do you think it's helping? I can't imagine my dogs getting gunned down even if they're in my compound. Few months back when i was at my family's place, these bastards tried to climb over our fence and tried to grab our dog. Like what is your butthurt if a dog just sleeps at someone's home? First of all you're trespassing and you don't have the authority to do that. Luckily, they went off as soon as i came out to the front.
The emotions of human beings are being drowned every second in our lives. Some of us don't even realize that we're becoming slaves to the system. When someone tries to clear your brain out, you robots don't accept, rather you'll be mesmerizing on the latest cell phone, the 3-D'est of all 3DTV's and what Lady Gaga's going to do next. You reading this might think that i'm going off my topic, but i'm not, we have become so obsessed over unnecessary bullshit that it desensitizes our emotions. Emotions desensitized = complete ignorance over anything other than you.
So what happens if your emotions are lacking in you? You become less human, you wouldn't care less about the plight of others, you will only concern if it involves you. When i wrote about the usual rape, killings and terrorists as becoming usual, it just shows how is the news filling your head with pathetic propaganda. So what if some dogs are put down? Even us humans are facing the same fate you might think. Humans in my point of view are the MOST dangerous species this world has ever witnessed. We take pleasure in the suffering of others, especially animals. So for me you useless bastards can rot for all i care, what's the use if your living and innocent animals are tortured for your fun and games?


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